Christopher Nolan has astounded audiences with his films since the beginning. With pieces like Memento (2002), The Dark Knight Trilogy (2005-2012), The Prestige (2006), Inception (2010) and now Interstellar (2014), Nolan has proven himself to be one of the greatest directors ever. Not one of his films has disappointed me and each has in fact surpassed my expectations. Inception is one of my favorite films ever and it offered an original idea; the first I had seen on film in a very long time. Even with all of these great films, nothing prepared me for Nolan's Interstellar.
As I said in my Top 25 Film list (see the link below), when Interstellar ended, I sat through the entire credits sequence in complete and total awe. I was speechless and didn't want the experience to end. This film will put you on a journey and you won't even realize you're watching a film.
The acting was top notch as the McConaissance continues. McConaughey was perhaps at his all-time best with Interstellar. The emotion in this movie is just off the charts. The acting blends so well with Hans Zimmer's score that there are moments where I literally wanted to ball my eyes out. I don't think I've ever gotten the trembling chin sensation so many times in a film before.
The story is genuinely enthralling from start to finish and so many ideas are original and expand your mind with their intricacies and mystery. Nolan had real-life scientists and physicists helping with this film. Even Neil deGrasse Tyson (Cosmos) has vouched for the film and its realistic nature. Nolan didn't even use green screen in Interstellar. This alone shows the prowess and unbelievable nature of this movie.
The cinematography is beautiful and alluring and from start to finish, you embark on a once-in-a-lifetime journey. There is no shortness of greatness in Interstellar. Every aspect of this film is on the ball and between Zimmer's score, Nolan's direction and McConaughey's acting, there is nothing I can say bad about Interstellar. It is quite simply a masterpiece.
There are still many great films to come out this year but thus far, Interstellar is the best film of the year without a doubt.
I give Interstellar a:
Updated 2014 Top 25 List:
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